Visual supports – helpful for SO MANY activities!

An important reminder for some Critical Core players

I have written here before about Critical Core – a therapeutically-applied role-playing game created by the great minds at I started using this program during Shelter-in-Place, and haven’t stopped - it's super engaging for so many of my students ! I had the good fortune of completing’s mental health certification course, that I feel really set me up for success - highly recommended.

I’ve written here (and lots of other places!) about the importance of visual supports for our students. Visual supports supplement auditory👂information, and often help our students keep critical info in working memory while they are completing a task, like, well, fighting evil and saving the day!

In Critical Core, players are heroes. 🦸 And, for some of my students, it’s been super helpful to have a visual reminding them that: Heroes make good choices. For some groups, this simple support has kept them on track and steering away from, well, attacking innocent bystanders without first gathering information, or wanting to throw a flaming weapon without checking with the other players.

Here's another example:

This combo visual support was for a student with high anxiety. In difficult times, it’s always helpful to be reminded that it will all be ok. And this combo did the trick!

Some students with differences in executive function, memory and processing, having a reminder of what the POINT of the campaign is can help keep students moving forward. After all, when you are battling the Giant Squid 🦑, it can be difficult to remember that you are REALLY after the Serum of Life!

Visual supports help our students stretch their learning, become more resilient, and feel more positive about taking risks. And, it’s not just our students. Many of us cling to visual supports, whether they are lists, our Notion dashboard, or helpful pictorial reminders.

When I look back on learning how to be a Game Master and actually RUN the game in 2020 when we were all on Zoom, I depended on lots of visual supports.

Visual support central at my office for Critical Core!

Summer is coming! 🌞😎🍉What’s visual support will get you there?


Rising When We Fall - Fostering Perseverance & Resilience


How many times a day do you decide something?