
I hope summer lights you up with joy!

Just a short note this month, hoping you are having a summer that fills you with pleasure and builds long-lasting memories!

I am finding time to get away and recharge, learn more French (off to Brittany next month), play my cello (aiming for cello camp next summer) and enjoy time outside with loved ones. I will also admit to still working, but with a caseload that is lighter than during the school year. I often find that summer is a creative time for me, so I am happily moving along on 2 projects.

Thanks to all of you who’ve written and talked to me about how useful the Maca and Roni Super Social Learning Spreadsheet is! I know it takes time to write an email or stop me at a conference, so please know that it means a lot to me. Hearing your feedback really makes me grateful for the many ways we can communicate and share ideas. Some clinicians like the click-on-the-title easy access to the animations, others find that the social concept breakdown really helps with planning. Clinicians have also used the spreadsheet to keep track of what topics have been covered with what animations and students.

So…I am busily working on another video animation product for you - and it looks like it will be in book format (with some digital downloads for those who want)! 🥳

Okay, it's gotten a bit bigger than I had planned, but I'm working to make it better than good! It will present 75 of my all-time fave rave animations broken down by 30 social concepts. In addition to links that will take you right to the video, there will be info pages with activity reminders and tips, as well as hard-copy pages you can print out for your record keeping. Yes, there will be a pretty impressive spreadsheet for you data-lovers, but also LOTS of clear, easy-to-understand templates with places to record student notes. Just copy and stick in your file.

No more trying to remember which activities you did with which of your students - this always leads me to frustrating searches through my clinical notes to see what they have already watched and done. I want to make it EASIER for us busy clinicians.

Look for it this Fall - I think I'm pretty much on target 🎯 . In the meantime, if you haven't gotten your Maca and Roni spreadsheet and want to grab it before the school year starts, you will get a discount coupon to upgrade to the newer, bigger product in the Fall when it's ready for you!

My other project has been in the works for several years in response to a survey asking clinicians what they needed support working on. There was a resounding request for materials to build flexibility. So here is comes: Bit by Bit: Building Flexibility with Animated Videos (working title.) It’s basically the same idea as the YouCue Feelings book but with activities to build flexibility in our students. And let me tell you, I am discovering how COMPLICATED the concept of flexibility it!

Until I see you in August, keep appreciating summer!



Ramping up for a successful year


Never too early to plan for next school year!