Maca & Roni: The Super Social Learning Spreadsheet


Downloadable PDF of Maca & Roni: The Super Social Learning Spreadsheet

Simplify session planning and therapy tracking with this downloadable and printable Maca & Roni: The Super Social Learning Spreadsheet.  25 video titles with direct links and 26 categories of emotional and social content to engage your students. Delete and modify as you like to distribute to parents and teachers. NO physical product will be shipped with this purchase.

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Using the spreadsheet:

Many of you know how much I LOVE and use animated videos from the Maca & Roni series! For several years, there were only three (Superclean, Superfridge & Superglue.) But a while back, their wonderful creator and animator, Kyungmin Woo came out with many more in the series!!

I use Maca & Roni all the time, but sometimes, I get confused about which ones are best for particular social learning concepts, and it takes me a bit of time to find the exact one I want. Maybe you have the same problem! So, I’ve organized a spreadsheet that lists my top 25 titles and breaks them down by 26 different categories of content. Makes it so much easier to find the one that I want to use.

ALL the videos are excellent for general work on feelings and social info (e.g. feelings, thoughts & feelings, inference, etc.) But others have very specific content that is great for our students (e.g. competitiveness, jealousy, revenge, big feelings.) I have also added a column that indicates which titles have any content that might be questionable – often because of the anxiety they can provoke. Please pay attention to that warning!

There are quite a few Maca & Roni animations that are NOT listed. That’s just because, as with so many things, some are better for our work and our students than others, and we want to use the best of the best. Just my opinion.